Practice Team

Manging Partner

Dr Menaka Kugarajan – Female

MD, Bsc Biomedicine

Admin Lead

Miss Vanessa Shakespeare – Female

Medical Secretary

Mr Rayan Brown – Male

The practice manager is responsible for the efficient running of the surgery. Your suggestions are always welcome. We aim to resolve any problems as quickly as possible.

The practice team also consists of:

  • Practice Administrator
  • 6 Part time Receptionists
  • 2 Medical Secretary
  • Care cordinator
  • 2 Pharmacists
  • Phlebotimist
  • Healthy Lifestyle Advisor
  • Paramedic

The practice managing partner is responsible for the efficient running of the surgery. Your suggestions are always welcome . We aim to resolve any problems as quickly as possible.

The practice also employs 6 part-time receptionists whose job is very busy, they do their best to attend to you as soon as possible. Please be patient if the surgery is busy.

The practice employs a secretary who deals with the practice correspondence and other administrative matters, such as hospital referrals and appointments.